Special Hero

Indomitable Will


Appears in

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn

Let Sharena Introduce You!

Indomitable Will Tormod

This is Tormod, who leads the Laguz Emancipation Army in Tellius! He’s with us here today to celebrate the Nabata festival…and he’s come dressed in a special outfit for the occasion!
Tormod’s festival look features the light, loose-wearing clothing that Nabata is known for, helping to keep the desert heat at bay.
He’s also equipped with a flaming torch. I see that the grip has a red cloth wrapped around it to match the color of his hair!
Tormod has lived in the Grann Desert for a long time, so it was easy for him to adapt to the desert attire of Nabata. I bet he’ll be the life of the party at this festival!

Closely Associated Characters


Warrior of the Laguz Emancipation Army. Shares a firm bond with Tormod.