Special Hero

Festive Tactician


Appears in

Fire Emblem Awakening

Let Sharena Introduce You!

Festive Tactician Robin

Ylisse’s star tactician Robin is coming to Askr’s winter festival! He’s got all kinds of strategies in mind to make the festival a big success!
The special red coat he’s donned for the festival nearly reaches all the way down to the ground! And there’s something distinctly Robin about that big hood too!
He’s also equipped himself with a festive tree that doubles as a lance—the Tannenboom, he calls it. As for its decorations, it doesn’t look like they’ll break easily…so go wild, Robin!
I hear that Robin had the chance to enjoy a party in Ylisse with Chrom and the others too. I’m looking forward to finding out more about his plans to make this the best winter festival ever!

Closely Associated Characters


A prince of Ylisse and descendant of the Hero-King. Leads the Shepherds. He and Robin share an unbreakable bond.