Duo Hero

Vessels of Fate


Appears in

Fire Emblem Awakening

Let Sharena Introduce You!

Vessels of Fate Robin

Robin, the tactician, and Chrom, the prince—together, they worked to serve Ylisse. And now, they’ve been called to Askr from their childhood days!
Doesn’t Robin look adorable in her little robe? Judging from the way she’s happily reading her book, I’d say she was definitely just as much of a bookworm as a kid!
Meanwhile, Chrom’s light attire suggests that he was just as athletic as a kid! I wonder if this is when he first mastered his incredible swordsmanship?
Robin brings the brains, while Chrom knows his way around with a sword. Even at this age, the two make an unstoppable team!

Closely Associated Characters


Robin’s child. An aspiring tactician with no memory. Cheerful and loves to study.


Princess of Ylisse’s royal house and Chrom’s younger sister. Determined to prove herself.