Rearmed Hero

Fate’s Resolve


Appears in

Fire Emblem Awakening

Let Sharena Introduce You!

Fate’s Resolve Lucina

Lucina is the princess of Ylisse from a future world. And now, after fighting alongside all kinds of allies, she’s truly grown as a Hero!
She looks so gallant in her new armor, doesn’t she? She’s also bearing the Fire Emblem, all five jewels shining! I hear that in her world, it’s a relic of the Ylissean royal family.
Having gained new strength, Lucina has taken up a mighty axe as her weapon. In fact, she’s been hard at work on her training to make sure that she can handle any weapon!
Supported by the power of his bonds with his allies, Lucina’s father, Chrom, triumphed over fearsome foes. Lucina is continuing to do her best to follow in his footsteps!

Closely Associated Characters


A prince of Ylisse and descendant of the Hero-King. Leads the Shepherds. Lucina’s father in the future.


Prince of Altea destined to be revered as the Hero-King, having done countless deeds for the good of those who came after him. Lucina used the name Marth to disguise her identity.


Lissa’s son who tends to be overly theatrical. He loves to give weapons dramatic names. Lucina’s cousin.