Special Hero

Samurai at Ease


Appears in

Fire Emblem Fates

Let Sharena Introduce You!

Samurai at Ease Ryoma

Ryoma is the eldest prince of Hoshido and a valiant warrior devoted to bushido. Today, though, the warrior’s path leads to the hot springs…so that he can rest his weary muscles!
To Ryoma, even bathing in a hot spring is an opportunity to test his mettle. The hotter the water, the better—whatever it takes to melt his aches away!
Of course, even while soaking in the spring, Ryoma’s ready to fight on a moment’s notice. If anyone dares to start trouble, it’ll be curtains for them—quite literally, in fact! This samurai is always true to his word.
Bushido is very demanding in both strength and stamina. I hope that the hot springs in Askr are enough to keep Ryoma feeling fit to fight!

Closely Associated Characters


Hoshidan princess who prefers battles over court life. Excels at watching over others. Ryoma’s younger sister.


Prince of Hoshido who wields the divine bow Fujin Yumi. Prickly at times. Ryoma’s younger brother.


Princess of Hoshido who is a gentle healer. Struggles with her shyness. Ryoma’s youngest sister.