Special Hero

Steamy Secrets


Appears in

Fire Emblem Fates

Let Sharena Introduce You!

Steamy Secrets Camilla

Who’s that bathing beauty? Why, it’s none other than Camilla, the eldest princess of Nohr! She’s back from taking a trip to the hot spring to relax and unwind!
Camilla adores hot springs. I hear that, back in Nohr, she used to love visiting them with her sister Elise.
The pouch she’s carrying would normally be used to hold some bathing accessories. Whatever Camilla is keeping in hers, though, it’s heavy enough to double as a weapon!
It seems like Camilla’s dip in the hot spring has had quite a rejuvenating effect! Maybe she won’t need that pouch after all—she can charm her foes instead!

Closely Associated Characters


Camilla’s older brother. Nohrian prince respected for his military prowess. Wields the divine blade Siegfried.


Camilla’s younger brother. A talented Nohrian prince who wields the divine tome Brynhildr.


Camilla’s younger sister, a princess of Nohr who adores her siblings. A bit childish, but has a pure heart and keen eyes.