Attuned Hero

Snow Queen


Appears in

Fire Emblem Engage

Let Sharena Introduce You!

Snow Queen Ivy

The kingdom of Elusia is one of the four nations of Elyos, and its people are worshippers of the Fell Dragon. This is Ivy, the crown princess—and she’s here in Askr, holding her bond with her sister Hortensia close to her heart!
Ivy clashed with the Divine Dragon Alear in the struggle for the Emblem Rings under the orders of her father, the king. However, after her father was murdered by the Fell Dragon Sombron, she found herself joining forces with Alear.
She was then confronted by her younger sister Hortensia, who had been brainwashed by Sombron’s underlings. But after the battle, Ivy’s pleas to Hortensia broke through their control, and their sisterly bond was forged anew!
Ivy’s love for her sister helped new strength grow within her. Now, equipped with a tome inspired by Hortensia, she’s here to join the battle for Askr’s future!

Closely Associated Characters


Second princess of Elusia and Ivy’s younger sister. Though selfish, she loves her family and all those close to her.