Special Hero



Appears in

Fire Emblem Heroes

Let Sharena Introduce You!

Wealth-Wisher Anna

It’s not just me and Alfonse you’ll find dressed up for the New Year! Our brave leader Commander Anna’s getting glammed up for the occasion too!
Wow, would you take a look at that outfit? I’ve never seen something so gorgeous! (There’s no way that came cheap. I guess it’s been a good year for the family business!)
Of course, it’s not just her outfit that makes her look so fabulous. She’s also done up her trademark red hair with a perfect style to match!
Anna’s starting the year on a high note with her fabulous New Year garb. Here’s hoping she guides everyone in Askr to a prosperous—I mean, peaceful new year!

Closely Associated Characters


A prince of Askr and member of the Order of Heroes. Kind and serious, and eager to maintain peace.


A princess of Askr and Alfonse’s sister. Cheerful and loves making friends—especially with Heroes.