Special Hero

Year’s First Dream


Appears in

Fire Emblem Heroes

Let Sharena Introduce You!

Year’s First Dream Gunnthrá

This is Gunnthrá, the eldest princess of Nifl, the Kingdom of Ice. She’s here to make her first shrine visit of the New Year!
That cerulean blue kimono and haori jacket combination looks absolutely wonderful on her. I hear that she was very excited to go out dressed in kimonos with her sister Fjorm!
She’s also carrying a sword called Hikami, with a sheath that’s as stunning as the blade itself. It’s truly a weapon fit for a princess of Nifl!
Gunnthrá says that she was blessed with a wonderful first dream of the year. Now that she’s made her trip to the shrine, I’m sure she has plenty of good fortune coming her way this year!

Closely Associated Characters


The eldest prince of Nifl, Kingdom of Ice, and Gunnthrá’s older brother. With a steady, calm demeanor, he’s always prepared for danger.


The gentle second princess of Nifl, the Kingdom of Ice, and Gunnthrá’s sister. Seeks revenge against Surtr.


The youngest princess of Nifl, the Kingdom of Ice, and Gunnthrá’s sister. Naive and brimming with curiosity, she’s eager to explore new horizons.