Mythic Hero

Mending Hand


Appears in

Fire Emblem Heroes

Let Sharena Introduce You!

Mending Hand Ratatoskr

Ratatoskr came to Askr from Yggdrasill, the sprawling World-Tree that cradles the nine realms. Also, she has big, cute ears and an adorable tail!
She’s one of the Healing Hands, a group of healers who treat the sick and wounded throughout the nine realms. She works her hardest to save as many lives as she can!
And apparently, she came to Askr to…assassinate my older brother?! Wait, I thought she was supposed to be SAVING lives!
Well, it turns out that it was her father, Læraðr, who gave the order… Anyway, it seems like Ratatoskr doesn’t want to go through with it. There’s got to be more to this story!

Closely Associated Characters


Ratatoskr’s father. Born from Yggdrasill, he can be seen as the World-Tree’s other self.