Special Hero

Selfless Exalt


Appears in

Fire Emblem Awakening

Let Sharena Introduce You!

Selfless Exalt Emmeryn

You know, this girl reminds me of someone… Wait, that’s Emmeryn, the exalt of Ylisse! Except she’s a kid!
Emmeryn has been performing her duties as royalty for a long time. Even as a young girl, she is attired in a way becoming of her royal dignity!
I didn’t know she was already using a staff at this age, though! In fact, the staff she’s wielding looks a lot like the one her adult self uses.
As the exalt, Emmeryn supported Ylisse with her motherly love. And it seems that, as a kid, she was already a kind and dignified person.

Closely Associated Characters


A prince of Ylisse and descendant of the Hero-King. Leads the Shepherds. Emmeryn’s younger brother.


Princess of Ylisse’s royal house and Emmeryn’s younger sister. Determined to prove herself.


A knight who serves the royal house of Ylisse and helps lead Chrom’s Shepherds. Serves under the rule of Emmeryn.