Special Hero

Relaxed Warrior


Appears in

Fire Emblem Fates

Let Sharena Introduce You!

Relaxed Warrior Hinoka

Hinoka is the first princess of Hoshido, and a sky knight! Today she’s taking a bath at the hot spring to ease her sore muscles after a tough battle.
I hear that trips to the hot spring are a popular winter pastime in Hoshido. They say it’s the only way to get properly warmed up during the coldest time of year!
Of course, Hinoka never lets her guard down for a moment, even while bathing. Any enemies who dare to attack will feel the wrath of her buckets!
As a princess and a sky knight, Hinoka has to juggle a lot of important duties. Taking regular trips to the hot spring to relax is just one of them!

Closely Associated Characters


The eldest prince of Hoshido, who wields the legendary blade Raijinto. Hinoka’s older brother.


Prince of Hoshido who wields the divine bow Fujin Yumi. Prickly at times. Hinoka’s younger brother.


Princess of Hoshido who is a gentle healer. Struggles with her shyness. Hinoka’s younger sister.