Special Hero

Snowfall Future


Appears in

Fire Emblem: Three Houses

Let Sharena Introduce You!

Snowfall Future Edelgard

Edelgard’s here from the Officers Academy in the continent of Fódlan, and this time, she’s making an appearance as one of Askr’s official winter festival envoys!
This is her special outfit for the festival, complete with a big, eye-catching cape. She’s also wearing a holly hairpin that looks great in her long hair!
And I’m sure you’ve noticed her adorably festive weapon: a lance in the shape of a fir tree, decorated with bells, stars, and more! When she’s fighting, it almost looks like she’s dancing with all those ribbons flying around!
With the town all lit up with winter festival decorations, the sights and sounds of the celebrations have taken Edelgard back to the picture books she read as a girl. I hope the festival becomes a wonderful winter memory for her!

Closely Associated Characters


Crown prince of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus. Known for his chivalry, but it seems a darkness may lurk beneath the surface. Edelgard’s rival.


Heir to House Riegan, the leading house of the Leicester Alliance. Employs both an easygoing attitude and an effortless skill for scheming. As the leader of the Golden Deer House, he is a rival to Edelgard.