Special Hero

Blessed Protector


Appears in

Fire Emblem: Three Houses

Let Sharena Introduce You!

Blessed Protector Dimitri

Dimitri has come from the Officers Academy in Fódlan to join us at the winter festival! I wonder what jolly surprises are in store for him today?
Red-and-green decorations are essential to the festival—but as you can see, blue outfits are essential to Dimitri!
Not that he’s ignoring the theme, of course—that hefty axe he’s carrying for the festival is decorated with cheerful bells and stars! I can already see him swinging that thing around with his impressive strength as if it weighed nothing at all!
The winter festival is a special time of year where friends and family exchange gifts with one another. I wonder what Dimitri wants this year?

Closely Associated Characters


Princess and heir apparent of the Adrestian Empire. Her steadfast ambition is veiled by her elegant, self-confident demeanor. A house leader like Dimitri, she oversees the Black Eagle House.


Heir to House Riegan, the leading house of the Leicester Alliance. Employs both an easygoing attitude and an effortless skill for scheming. Leader of the Golden Deer House, making him a friendly rival to Dimitri.