Special Hero

Yuletide Schemer


Appears in

Fire Emblem: Three Houses

Let Sharena Introduce You!

Yuletide Schemer Claude

Claude’s come all the way to Askr from the Officers Academy in Fódlan to make a special appearance as one of our winter festival envoys!
Here’s his festival outfit, decorated with stars on his waist and shoulders! And check out the super-cute accessories he’s wearing in his hair—antlers and little ears!
Claude has also equipped himself with a special festival bow that features a breathtaking feather design. I can already picture him wielding it against the backdrop of a starry winter night!
Anyway, Claude’s just finished with one of his envoy duties: bringing dreams and happiness to all the children! By which I mean, delivering presents!

Closely Associated Characters


Crown prince of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus. Known for his chivalry, but it seems a darkness may lurk beneath the surface. Claude’s rival who leads the Blue Lion House.


Princess and heir apparent of the Adrestian Empire. Her steadfast ambition is veiled by her elegant, self-confident demeanor. A house leader like Claude, she oversees the Black Eagle House.